Setting Default Value in an IPaaS Form Listbox

A simple question (I hope).  I have a multiple-choice list box that I populate with a flow (list of ticketing applications) and after the flow initializes the list box I can't seem to set a default choice.  I have used a Data Initialization condition to set the Value with a constant expression,  but the default isn't set. Any idea how to set the default value in a list box?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 7/19/23 11:57 AM
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Michael Ligouri Thu 7/20/23 3:43 PM Last edited Thu 7/20/23 3:43 PM

Hey Tevis,

You should be able to do it like in the attached screenshot...create the choice and then set an initialization of the choice.  I've also attached a sample form that basically has a bunch of examples of how to do things.

Can you let me know the app and form and I can take a look?


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Hi Mike, this does not work since I am populating the list from a flow. As the following shows, even if I set the priority the "Set Default" condition is always executed before the "Set Applications" flow.

Any ideas?

- Tevis Boulware Thu 7/20/23 4:28 PM