Calendar for appointments

we currently use google calendar for what we call equipment distribution. These appointment date and times come directly from our tickets (not automatically). what is the best option and how to do this with the TDX calendar application?


- Jim

Asked by James Richard on Tue 7/18/23 11:30 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 7/18/23 11:35 AM

Hi James,

Sorry, just backing up a little here, what process is it exactly that you want to achieve?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Lets start with we have a ticket that a new employee is starting and it's determined that on a certain day is best for them to receive their equipment (computer etc). can that date and time go into the TDX calendar application? - James Richard Tue 7/18/23 11:42 AM
You would have to pick that date on the ticket's default start and end date fields (at least the start date anyway) and add it to the calendar. There is an option in the ticket's Actions menu to add it to the calendar. The start/due date fields do not have a time element though. - Mark Sayers Tue 7/18/23 11:48 AM
So I do not see the start date in the ticket and also have no option to add to calendar in actions. - James Richard Wed 7/19/23 8:55 AM
You possibly have not added that start date field to your ticketing form. - Mark Sayers Wed 7/19/23 9:44 AM
Oh yes. we did not have that on the form. So I was able to get a test ticket on the calendar but you mentioned there is no time element, would this be a product enhancement feature or is this doable now? - James Richard Wed 7/19/23 11:37 AM
It would be an enhancement idea since the default start/end fields that the system relies on to add a ticket to the calendar doesn't refer to Time. - Mark Sayers Wed 7/19/23 11:43 AM