Customize Card Wall Card Fields

For waterfall plans, I can customize the names of Fields 1-10.  

Where can I do that for Card Walls?

And, how can I see those fields w/in the card itself for updates?  

Asked by Rebecca Murphy on Mon 7/17/23 1:14 PM
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Answers (2)

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Brittany Renn Mon 7/17/23 1:36 PM

Hi Rebecca, 

Which fields on the Cardwall are you aiming to change the name for? You should be able to create lists and change their Title as needed using the button with three dots in the top right corner of each list and choose edit list. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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I'm actually referring to the 10 fields w/in each card (Field 1; Field 2.... Field 10) - NOT the lists.
These can be customized/named in a waterfall plan.
- Rebecca Murphy Mon 7/17/23 1:48 PM
Those fields are specific to waterfall plans currently. If you wanted to see the same functionality on cardwall cards, I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request, here: - Brittany Renn Mon 7/17/23 2:04 PM
I have this request already on the books if you want to +1 it: Service Request #19386367 - Allow custom fields (fields 1 - 10) on card walls. - Greg Van De Mark Tue 7/18/23 8:54 AM
Thank you Greg - I cannot see the contents of that ticket - could you please share so I am able to add my support? - Rebecca Murphy Tue 7/18/23 8:59 AM
As long as you reference another ticket, the detail shouldn't matter much. Here is what I have:

Describe the problem this enhancement addresses.
Waterfall tasks have fields 1-10. Card walls do not.

Describe the ideal solution to the problem
Add fields 1-10 functionality to card walls.
(This is a +1 for ticket 4137882.)
- Greg Van De Mark Tue 7/18/23 9:09 AM
so... interestingly enough, technically, you can get to those 10 fields for the card wall and populate them:.
1.) On my project desktop, I have 'Tasks summary chart' - when I select a section of the pie
2.) select the task name and it brings you to the 'waterfall type' task screen
3.) select Edit --- scroll down, you will see the fields

I did a test and added data in there, and created a report it does show up. There's just no place to customize the field names per plan.
- Rebecca Murphy Tue 7/18/23 10:34 AM

Rebecca Murphy Tue 7/18/23 10:45 AM Last edited Tue 7/18/23 10:45 AM

added ticket #23301603 - see attachment for screen shots showing how to get to fields 1-10 for cardwall plans

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