Project Request Form

Hi, we have added fields to our intake/project request form.  However, when I view the request in Portfolio Planning, not all fields that have been populated are appearing on the request.  How can I fix this? Thank you,



Asked by Kathleen Flaherty on Mon 7/17/23 12:44 PM
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Kathleen Flaherty Mon 7/17/23 1:40 PM

Sorry, I was looking at a request that was created prior to the new fields being added.  This question may be closed and or deleted. My apologies.



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No problem! - Mark Sayers Mon 7/17/23 1:54 PM

Mark Sayers Mon 7/17/23 1:23 PM

Hi Kathleen,

Is the project Type value being changed at some point between when the request is submitted and the review process in Portfolio Planning?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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