Allow Button Script on Client Portal


I am trying to use this code on our Client Portal to create a "Live Chat" button that will interact with the Ivy chatbot on that page. 

<button onclick="{question: ‘Live Chat’}); return false;">Live Chat</button>

It appears that the script is being sanitized.  I tried to allow scripts from the Client Portal URL, but that does not work.  What can we do to make this work?

Asked by Scott Cory on Mon 7/17/23 12:35 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Mon 7/17/23 12:44 PM

Hi Scott, 

If you added this as an HTML module to your client portal, did you try unchecking the box for 'Sanitize Content' to see if that helps? You may also want to make sure that no elements are listed as permanently disallowed for the HTML Allowlists:


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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I found that "on* (JavaScript event handlers)" are on the Permanently-Disallowed HTML Attributes list. Does that mean this is not possible? - Scott Cory Mon 7/17/23 12:49 PM
There wouldn't be a way to get around the permanently-disallowed attributes, no. You could see if it could be configured through a different attribute or the best bet would most likely be to submit an Enhancement Request that asks for that ability to be allowed in future versions: - Brittany Renn Mon 7/17/23 1:28 PM