Custom Ticket Attribute not Populating with Asset


We have a custom ticket attribute that is an asset type. For multiple months, we were creating tickets through the API and populating that field with an asset ID. Starting in June, the custom attribute does not get populated when the ticket is created, but the code for the API call hasn't changed and other custom attributes passed through in the API call do get filled in. Did something change in a release that could affect this, or could we have changed something on the form or application side that broke this?


Asked by Isaac Ramirez on Mon 7/17/23 9:30 AM
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Mark Sayers Mon 7/17/23 9:46 AM

Hello Issac,
I think to know more about what is happening we'd need to know the specific URL you're posting to and also the body contents of at least one such call that failed to populate this asset attribute. Additionally I'd need to know the ID of the attribute in question.

Since this may be more data than you want to post here in a public forum you might wish to start a Support ticket formally and send us this information there.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks, Mark. I will open a support ticket.

- Isaac Ramirez Mon 7/17/23 11:48 AM