Services for staff only

Hi there!

I am working on creating services that can only be used by faculty and staff, however when I set it up to exclude students and test it, our students can still see and request the service.  I have searched here to see if there is a solution but not finding one.
Thank you for the help!


Asked by Randi Buckley on Fri 7/14/23 3:21 PM Last edited Fri 7/14/23 3:22 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 7/14/23 3:24 PM

Hi Randi,

Do the Security roles for your students in the Client Portal app *specifically* have the KB permission to view all articles by chance? If yes, you'd want to remove that I believe, and have the students sign out of TDX and back in for the change to take full effect.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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