Reporting Option - Date Approved

Hello, I am working on setting up a report, and the user would like to see the date that the ticket is approved as part of the report. I know you can look at the ticket to see when it was approved, is there anyway to include that info in a report in our ticketing application?

If there is an alternate means by which the same objective can be met (perhaps something in a Workflow?) Please let me know. 

Thanks in advance!

Asked by Dylan Quast on Thu 7/13/23 5:30 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 7/14/23 9:04 AM

Hello Dylan,
You could perhaps use the workflow to set a custom attribute on the ticket to the current date when the approval step is marked as "approved". That *would*, I think, entail that you make an API call out of TDX to some function or system that could provide that current date value to you as we don't have something currently that produces it automatically, then refer to that response to pull the date for a subsequent ticket PATCH call.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I realize this question is a bit dated, but based on this, I was able to create a flow in iPaaS to do just as Mark mentioned. Since the workflow passes ticket information to the iPaaS flow, it is relatively easy to set custom attributes using the Patch Ticket action in the TDX Tickets connector. Just adding my 2 cents for anyone else wondering how to do this. - Jim Lucas Wed 3/6/24 12:29 PM