Knowledge Base Image Viewer/Pasting


We just upgraded from 11.3 to 11.6. Prior to our upgrade, I could paste images into a knowledge base article just fine. After the upgrade, images that I paste are now in a tiny thumbnail form that you have to click on to see. How can I make it so that the images I paste in (not upload a file) go back to the regular size of the image? 

Thank you!

Tags KB images
Asked by Mariah Rible on Thu 7/13/23 1:19 PM
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Brittany Renn Thu 7/13/23 1:36 PM

Hi Mariah, 

As on overview, Version 11.6 introduced the ability paste images into editors used in rich text communications. With the changes in 11.6, thumbnail generation happens automatically when you paste an image into an editor used for rich text communications, so what you've described is completely correct. The workaround is that you can still upload images using the button in the toolbar to avoid the thumbnail. 

If you wanted to see a change to this feature, I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request, here:


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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