Clarification of Asset data linking to other data in TD

Good morning.


This question is from the Q&A section of the "Getting started with Asset Management" page:

Q. How does asset data link to other data within TeamDynamix?

A. Assets can be related to people (e.g., to the person who owns the asset), to Acct/Dept records (e.g., to the department that owns the asset), to Location records, to contracts, and to tickets (e.g., incidents related to an asset may show when an asset has broken down).


How does this work, exactly? UNH's desktop team is trying to tie desktop equipment to the user so that any service requests opened for the user and/or asset is available. For example, Guyute Jones has a laptop issue, and calls the help desk. How does TD ensure that the correct asset gets into the ticket?


I hope I'm explaining this well enough....




Asked by Eugene McGeehan on Wed 7/12/23 9:48 AM
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Brittany Renn Wed 7/12/23 10:03 AM

Hi Eugene, 

If you already have an asset record for the laptop in question, you should be able to add it to the Asset/CI tab of the ticket. You could also add the default or a custom Asset/CI field to the ticket form so users can select their asset at the time they fill out the form. 

Let me know if this helps! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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