Collect an email address via client portal form and be able to use that email in a notification in a workflow


I have a scenario where I want to be able to collect a 3rd party email address via a client portal form, and then use that email in a notification as part of a work flow. Is there any way to collect an email address as a custom attribute and use it in this way?



Asked by Jason Clark on Fri 6/30/23 12:35 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 6/30/23 12:42 PM

Hello Jason,

You could use a custom text field attribute to capture it, but there would be no way to validate/enforce that the value enters is in email format.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Is there a way to use that field in a Workflow Notification step, or a work around to make it useable?

For more context - when HR or the Registrar requests that a student account be merged, or have a name change, we need need to notify 4 parties:

1. The employee initiating the change request
2. The student at their non-institution email, provided by above employee
3. Our Records Department
4. Our LMS admin team (these last two are M365 shared mailboxes)
- Jason Clark Wed 7/5/23 4:29 PM
Yes you can use it in a workflow notification step, if you mean to include it in the body of your notification. You can't use a text field attribute as the source of the "Recipient" value, no. For that you'd have to be using a custom person attribute, which would require that a person record actually exists for the person in question (or at least that this record exists and has been selected in that field prior to the workflow actually reaching that Notification step). - Mark Sayers Wed 7/5/23 4:44 PM