HTML not Rendering in Comments from IPaaS

Hello, I have an IPaaS HTML notification template that gets set correctly; however, when I used the Update Ticket action and provide comments, the HTML is not rendered in the Comments section of the ticket (see below).  Is there a configuration setting that I am missing so the HTML is rendered correctly?

Thanks Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 6/28/23 1:50 PM Last edited Wed 6/28/23 6:47 PM
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Answers (2)

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Carrie Willis Thu 6/29/23 9:27 AM

Hi Tevis - here is the screenshot I promised you. This screenshot uses your "TDX Tickets (Production)" connector actually!

As you can see, when you search "Update Ticket" in the search box, you have a few options. One of them is in a section that starts with "TDX Tickets (Std)". This section means standard actions - actions created and maintained by TDX.

If you select the Standard Action version of "Update Ticket", you should see "HTML Description" in the list of parameters below.

If you don't see a "TDX Tickets (Std)" section on your connector, make sure the standard action is enabled:

  1. On the top nav, go to Administration > Connector Definitions
  2. Find TDX Tickets and click on it
  3. On the left nav, select Standard Actions
  4. Make sure the box next to "Update Ticket" is checked
  5. No need to save, it will auto-save

Note that this is only an issue because you have connectors that were created prior to the "Connector 2.0" release we did about a year or so ago. Any newly-created connectors will automatically have the Standard Actions set up.

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Hi Carrie, thanks, this did work--although I am not quite sure I understand the architecture, so if you have any articles or other information that describes the Standard Actions/Actions, can you send those to me.

I do have one question on using the STD action in that the AppID in the action call is not populated. See the following.

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Thu 6/29/23 10:55 AM
Hi Tevis,

Regarding that AppID issue, the video is too cropped. I can see you're using the Production TDX Tickets connector, but what application are you using it in? Is it possible that the credential you're using is pointed to sandbox, and therefore can't get the production AppIDs?
- Carrie Willis Fri 6/30/23 9:25 AM
Hi Carrie, I am using the same connector and credential used for the "other" action (sorry, I am not sure I understand the distinction between the different actions), and the credential is targeting the Production Ticketing application. You can see from the attached screenshot that the action execution targets the correct production ticketing application. - Tevis Boulware Mon 7/3/23 12:45 PM

Carrie Willis Wed 6/28/23 2:07 PM

Hi Tevis,

In your notification template, please try using {{{tripleBrackets}}} around any fields where HTML will be used. For example, if your template has a macro like {{commentBody}} , change it to {{{commentBody}}} .

Using triple brackets around a macro will remove any HTML encoding and allow the HTML to come across as rendered. Using double brackets will replace any HTML with its plaintext equivalent.

Let me know if that works for you!




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Hi Carrie, the HTML is shown in the image, and notice I am not using any macros, and the HTML is static. - Tevis Boulware Wed 6/28/23 2:21 PM
Someone told me that there is a "for the HTML formatting for text in the updates I think you have to set the "HTML Description" flag to true if using the iPaaS "Update Ticket" action", but I can't find this setting. - Tevis Boulware Wed 6/28/23 2:22 PM
Hi Tevis,

Ah, understood. If you go to your connector definition for TDX tickets, you should see a "Standard Actions" area. Make sure to check the box for "Update Ticket", which will add the standard action to your connector. The "HTML Description" element should be there on the standard action.

- Carrie Willis Wed 6/28/23 2:36 PM
Carrie, thanks for the quick response and when I go to the Update Ticket configuration I don't see an "HTML Description" flag. What am I missing?

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Wed 6/28/23 6:48 PM
Hi Tevis -- I'm going to post a new top-level response so that I can add an image. It should be available! Keep an eye on this question in the next few minutes. - Carrie Willis Thu 6/29/23 9:14 AM