Automation Rule

Is it possible to automatically close a specific type of ticket from a specific email that comes into a ticketing application?

I tried to create an automation rule and then applied a workflow to automatically close the ticket, however, it doesn't seem to be working. 

Asked by Nick Christiansen on Wed 6/28/23 9:11 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 6/28/23 9:15 AM

Hello Nick,

Unfortunately automation rules can only change certain things on a ticket, and then only at the moment of its creation. They can't act on it after the creation has occurred.

A workflow would be the way to go, with a web service step that performs a PATCH call changing the status to closed, and the automation rule could be used to apply the workflow in a given situation.

Which part of your attempted process isn't working, more precisely?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
I believe the workflow is not being assigned to the ticket. - Nick Christiansen Wed 6/28/23 9:39 AM
Ok if the tickets are arriving via an email, then an automation rule would be the primary way to ensure the workflow gets assigned.

Other things to check would be: 1) make sure the email monitor rule that is creating these tickets is set to allow requestor creation. You need a valid requestor account in TDX to allow a workflow to be applied to the ticket automatically.

2) Make sure your email monitor rule also is not setting a service value to a service that has a different workflow associated with it.
- Mark Sayers Wed 6/28/23 9:43 AM