Can we use API to delete duplicate Assets en masse?

We accidentally created many duplicate assets and need to delete them from our production environment. Due to a misunderstanding, a single import .XLSX sheet contained many rows with duplicate External ID and Service Tag values. The import tool matches duplicates on subsequent imports, but doesn't appear to handle accidental duplicates on an initial import. I have since marked all affected assets with a custom status called 'Delete Me'.

A team member suggested it may be possible to use an API process to delete any assets whose status = 'Delete Me'.

Does this seem possible to achieve in theory? We wanted to investigate before we begin deleting them manually.

Asked by Stephen Wichuk on Mon 6/26/23 5:36 PM
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Brittany Renn Tue 6/27/23 9:07 AM

Hi Stephen, 

Currently, there is not an API call to delete Assets. Although, you could submit a Product Enhancement Idea to express the need for this kind of action, so that it could be considered for future versions.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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