Generate PDF of ticket history

We have a use case where we need to generate a PDF of a ticket and its full ticket history (similar to the view when a ticket is printed to PDF), along with its attachments and transfer it to our Document Archiving system. 

We are aware of the API GET call for attachments, but were wondering if there is a method that could automatically generate a PDF of a ticket to be exported to the archiving system?


Asked by Krysten Adler on Fri 6/23/23 2:37 PM
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Brittany Renn Fri 6/23/23 2:46 PM

Hi Krysten, 

I'm not currently aware of a way to include attachments in the Print View/PDF of a ticket. You can save a ticket as a PDF using the Print View button on a ticket, but that will not include attachments. You might consider submitting an Enhancement Request so that type of feature can be considered in future versions:


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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