Ability to see and report on ticket touches by a technician

I'm wanting to be able to see in the feed, each time someone does something in a ticket and report on it.  Not just reading the ticket but actually taking an action that results in a feed entry.  Is this currently possible in reporting?

Tags activity-report
Asked by Chuck Angel on Tue 6/6/23 2:03 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 6/6/23 2:16 PM

Hi Chuck,

In general, you can't report on the feed of any ticketing item. We *do* have a ticket Feed desktop module that you can add to your ticket app desktop or to your main TDnext desktop, but it isn't reportable per se. It's searchable but not reportable.

Maybe that would help though in some way?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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