Associate issues with tasks after creation


Is it possible to associate an Issue with a Project Task after the issue has been created? If so, how?


Thank you!

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Asked by Mariah Rible on Wed 5/24/23 11:23 AM Last edited Wed 5/24/23 11:23 AM
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Brittany Renn Wed 5/24/23 11:32 AM

Hi Mariah, 

What kind of plan are you assigning the task on? I know on a Cardwall card, if you open the card, there should a tab for 'Issues' where you can add any relevant issues to the card. 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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It is a card wall plan. For me, the issues tab has an option to Add an issue but it just opens the form for a new issue, it doesn't give me the option to select an existing issue. - Mariah Rible Wed 5/24/23 12:26 PM
Yeah that is correct currently. You may want to submit and Enhancement Request to ask for a feature to add existing issues from that screen: - Brittany Renn Wed 5/24/23 12:30 PM