Bulk updates to existing user records



We are gearing up for the deployment of capacity planning, and I need to ensure certain options are activated in user records. Can the import tool be used to perform bulk updates to existing user records? For example: Checking "user reports time" and setting a daily capacity to 8 hours?





Asked by Eugene McGeehan on Fri 5/19/23 3:40 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Fri 5/19/23 3:48 PM

Hi Eugene, 

Yes, you can update users via a people import and I think you should be able to update those fields in question. If you log into TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Import Jobs > Help, I believe the columns you're referencing are listed in the 'Standard Fields' section. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks Brittany! I'll test it out next week - Eugene McGeehan Fri 5/19/23 4:51 PM