loaner computer checkout form

We have a "contract" (literally a printed sheet of paper) we have users sign if they need a longer-term loaner machine, including several bullet points and their name, signature, date, & and ITS witness. We're thinking about the best way to incorporate this into TDX to digitize it. Any suggestions or thoughts on the best way to do this?

Asked by Becky Klein on Wed 5/17/23 2:21 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 5/17/23 2:35 PM

Hi Becky,

A service with its own ticketing form would be my thought so you can report on the start/end dates of the loan period and reach out when the loan period is almost up or is up.

It wouldn't capture a signature per se, but you could make them acknowledge that they are who they say they are (under whatever penalty it would carry to misrepresent their identity) when submitting the request.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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