Certificate renewal

My administrator sent me what is below. Can you tell where I need to replace the certificates and any instructions? 

"We need to install the renewed *.dom.edu certificate via the TD admin console for ldap lookup encryption to the DCs and also apply the same digital cert to the DCs themselves.
The current *.dom.edu certificate expires 6/11/2022."

Thank you for your help. 

Tags Certificate-Renewal
Asked by Alex Oquendo on Tue 5/16/23 2:44 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 5/16/23 2:47 PM

Hello Alex,

If this is the LDAP cert, you need to sign in to TDAdmin > Organization Settings > Authentication Providers. Edit your LDAP provider. Then use the "New Server Certificate" field to browse to, and upload, your new cert file to upload it. Save that page when done.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you Mark. If we activate SSO would this be necessary in the future? - Alex Oquendo Tue 5/16/23 4:53 PM
No, though to activate SSO you need to send us the public metadata URL for your SSO provider so we can register it first. We use that to obtain the metadata/certificate automatically so manual updating is not needed. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/16/23 4:58 PM