TDX Ticket Retention

Hi all,

Does TDX keep tickets for a specified amount of time and then after being closed for X time they are deleted? If so, what does this time frame look like? Is this something we can configure on our end somehow to automaticaly retain tickets for a specified time frame?



Asked by Katelin Anderson on Fri 5/12/23 1:28 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 5/12/23 1:32 PM

Hello Katelin,

We do not delete tickets for you, ever. If ticket deletion is needed, TDX administrators with the permission to delete tickets can manually do so. 

There *is* a ticket archival feature ( ) but it requires additional configuration to enable it, which that KB recommends entering a support ticket for, but take a look at the article and see if that is helpful/informative.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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This is helpful Mark. Thank you for linking that. And if TDX administrators manually delete tickets, is it on a one by one basis or can you bulk delete tickets?

Thanks so much!
- Katelin Anderson Fri 5/12/23 1:35 PM
Unfortunately it is on a one-by-one basis. - Mark Sayers Fri 5/12/23 1:35 PM
Thanks again Mark, appreciate it!
- Katelin Anderson Fri 5/12/23 1:38 PM