Automatically update ticket statuses

I see a prior question posed with the same title dated 3/17/22. 

I'm hoping with release updates, that the answer has changed!  Is there a way now to automatically update 

a ticket status upon being assigned to someone?   Thank you

Asked by Virginia Jacob on Fri 5/12/23 11:26 AM
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Brittany Renn Fri 5/12/23 11:34 AM

Hi Virginia, 

The feature to automatically change a tickets status upon ticket assignment has not yet been implemented. I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request so that feature can be considered by the Product Management team. 

Let me know if you have further questions. 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Users in our system are inquiring about this as well in 2024. Was this feature ever added? - Nicholas Linney Thu 7/11/24 10:16 AM
Not yet, I would suggest submitting an Enhancement Request to ask for this feature, though. - Brittany Renn Thu 7/11/24 10:19 AM