Edit another user's time

We have a student that left the University.  They incorrectly updated their time on a ticket.  I was going to log in as the user and change it but we have SSO turned on.  I know there is a way to get into TDAdmin but don't see a way to change the time from there, is there a way to get into TDNext or a different way that I can get this time changed?

Asked by Danee Gunka Schwartz on Wed 5/3/23 4:19 PM
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Brittany Renn Wed 5/3/23 4:24 PM

Hi Danee,

It currently isn't possible to edit another users time entry. You can *enter* time on their behalf if the settings/permissions of your security role is configured for that, but you can't edit/delete those entries nor can you submit their time card for them. If you wanted that ability, I would suggest submitted a Product Idea so that kind of feature can be considered in future versions: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2148


Brittany Renn
Support Consultant 

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Ok, are you able to edit the time for us? - Danee Gunka Schwartz Thu 5/4/23 11:20 AM
No but if you have their local TDX credentials you can bypass SSO to sign in as them. You'd go to https://yourdomain/TDNext/Logintdauth.aspx - Mark Sayers Thu 5/4/23 11:24 AM
I can get into the TDAdmin side but when I go to that link above I get a message:
Your organization is configured for SSO only. Please contact an administrator of your organization for login assistance.
Try TeamDynamix Mobile on your smartphone device or tablet.
- Danee Gunka Schwartz Thu 5/4/23 12:40 PM
You could temporarily turn off BGSU's SSO only setting. You'd do that from TDAdmin, under the Security tab > Configure SSO. Then turn it back on after you've done the sign on as that tech and edited their time entry. - Mark Sayers Thu 5/4/23 2:19 PM
What impact should we expect? Should everyone else using TDX still be able to sign in using SSO? - Danee Gunka Schwartz Mon 5/8/23 9:06 AM
Yes you'd all still be able to sign in via SSO. It just is the setting that prevents the TDnext and Client interfaces from being signed in to without specifically going through SSO. Turning it off allows the SSO bypass sign on method to work for TDNext and TDClient in addition to the way it always works for TDAdmin. - Mark Sayers Mon 5/8/23 9:16 AM