Any Way to Post a Workflow Notification Step's Info Into a Ticket Feed?

Good morning,

I've created various workflows with notification steps, and it seems as though that particular type of workflow step does not make any entry into a ticket's feed. Other workflow steps at least indicate something like, "Evaluated the "[STEP NAME HERE]" step's conditions for this service request and determined they were met," but there's not even a note indicating when a notification step fires on a ticket from what I can see in various tests. 

Ideally, I'd like a way to not only log a feed entry when a notification step occurs, but also have the contents of that notification message, along with who was notified, posted into the ticket feed (similar to how a ticket update or comment appears in the feed). 

It's possible this is an option in the notification step settings that I'm missing, but I don't see anything like that, nor do I see any indication of ticket feed interaction in the TDX KB for notification steps here.

Any info/advice is appreciated.



Tags workflow-notification
Asked by Nate Sakovitch on Thu 4/13/23 9:01 AM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 4/13/23 9:27 AM

Hello Nate,

Currently, when a notification step completes it will not write to the Feed of a ticket, nor is there a setting to force it to do so. This is a great idea for an enhancement, but it isn't a current feature capability at this time.

Let me know if you need anything else on this topic, or you can submit a feature request here:


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you for the information.

I've submitted an enhancement request, so this question is all set for the time being.

Thanks again.
- Nate Sakovitch Thu 4/13/23 9:55 AM
If you put the ticket number here, we'll know what to upvote. - Greg Van De Mark Thu 4/13/23 9:58 AM

Nick Christiansen Thu 4/13/23 10:01 AM

I would also like to follow this enhancement request and support it.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you for chiming in and offering the support.

The enhancement request ticket number is 22693939, and is located at:

Thank you again!
- Nate Sakovitch Thu 4/13/23 10:20 AM