User account security flag

Is there a way to flag a user's account to show that they have a security warning for their account?  For instance, in the past they have been a victim of a phishing attempt or we know they have compromised credentials?  We would want this to show up on the user record when our Help Desk is working on a ticket for them.  See the attached screen capture from a ticket showing the user's information on a ticket.  

I know we can set up a custom attribute for this, but it doesn't show on a ticket.  


Susan Galvin

Asked by Susan Galvin on Tue 4/11/23 10:29 AM Last edited Tue 4/11/23 10:29 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 4/11/23 10:35 AM

Hello Susan,

You could add a new Priority value to your Shared ticketing app settings that identifies as account has been compromised. After doing that, you can modify the user's account in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users to select that new "compromised" priority as their Request Priority. This will show up in the Requestor card box in the upper right when they submit tickets.

Short of doing that, you'd have to append some sort of indicator phrasing onto one of the standard fields that *do* already appear in the Requestor box for tickets so it will appear there on all tickets they're the requestor for.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks so much for the response. We'll take a look at both options and see which works best for us. - Susan Galvin Tue 4/11/23 2:36 PM
You're very welcome! - Mark Sayers Tue 4/11/23 2:36 PM