Ticket Tasks Report

I am trying to build a report that will show (Current User) all tasks that are assigned to them, or are assigned to any group of which they are a member. It's that second part that is causing me issues so as to keep this report generic rather than user-specific. Because the task is assigned to a group, there's no way to filter the tasks based on the "Resp Person".

If there were a filterable column that functioned like (Current User), then I could:

1 Active is True
2 Resp Person is one of (Current User)
3 (Current User) is a member of [select all relevant groups]
4 Resp Group is one of [select all relevant groups]
Then filter like 1 AND (2 OR (3 AND 4))) so the report would show active tasks that belong directly to the Current User, or belong to any group of which CU is a member.

Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do?


Asked by Patrick LaFollette on Fri 4/7/23 1:14 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 4/7/23 1:41 PM

Hello Patrick,

Unfortunately there is not a way to filter like "(Current User) is a member of [select all relevant groups]". Your filter example #4 is pretty close when combined with #2, because you can filter it like 1 AND (2 OR 3).

You might also consider adding another filter for percent complete is less than 100 too to  make sure you don't return tasks that are already marked complete. Tasks that are complete *will* reflect as being active still.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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So you suggested:
1 Active is True
2 Resp Person is one of (Current User)
3 Resp Group is one of [select all relevant groups]
1 AND (2 OR 3)

However, if I do that, the user sees tasks for all of the groups selected in 3, even groups of which they are not a member. I know I can have user-specific reports that would just select the right groups in 3, but I really wanted to keep this generic so that all our users could use it without having to build their own report.
- Patrick LaFollette Fri 4/7/23 2:11 PM
Since there isn't a way to do what you suggested for your original #3, you might just have to make the filter I suggested be prompted so each user when running the report can select their own groups. There isn't otherwise a nice clean way to achieve that in the reporting currently. - Mark Sayers Fri 4/7/23 2:13 PM