ACCT/DEPT name change and nightly import

I changed the name of an ACCT/DEPT because it was changed at the organizational level and was reflected in our nightly data feed for a couple of customers.

After the name change in TD, I'm still seeing an error on the import job that the <new name> "is not a valid choice for the "Acct/Dept" property."

I've never had an issue with the import associating users after creating a new ACCT/DEPT after seeing the error in the import job.

Thoughts or places I should be looking?  I copied the name from the Import Job error to use when editing the entry.  Both of the customers impacted have the new acct/dept name listed for them, so there should be nothing to update anymore.


Pam Jordan

Tags people-import acct-dept
Asked by Pamela Jordan on Wed 4/5/23 10:47 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 4/5/23 10:56 AM

Hello Pamela,

I'd have to have a copy of the actual import file that was sent, and know which user/users were affected in particular to better troubleshoot this.

Since that is likely fairly sensitive in nature, you might wish to open a support ticket and provide that file on the ticket so it isn't in this public forum for all to see.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks, Mark,

It only impacts two customers, but I'll ask for a copy of the import file in case there's anything obvious in the raw data.

If I don't see anything, I'll submit a ticket and include the data file.

- Pamela Jordan Wed 4/5/23 10:59 AM
I'd check the actual contents of their Acct/Dept field against the value of the acct/dept in TDAdmin and ensure the file doesn't contain any leading or trailing spaces or anything like that. - Mark Sayers Wed 4/5/23 11:02 AM
Turns out there was a double space between two words in the new department name that wasn't coming through when I copied the name from the Import Job error line. Thanks for your help! - Pamela Jordan Thu 4/6/23 8:43 AM
That would definitely do it! It's super picky and the error page tries to trim out extra spaces like that, so it's always best to look at the actual import file for an issue like that. - Mark Sayers Thu 4/6/23 8:51 AM