Restricting access to tickets within the ticketing app

Is it possible to make certain tickets not visible/accessible to certain people who have access to a ticketing application in TDNext?

I was under the impression that this can be done using the "Groups" section of the ticket "Type" in admin client but my limited testing is showing that users not included in those groups can still see tickets of those restricted types although they are not able to update or edit them. 

Asked by Bodek Frak on Mon 3/27/23 4:39 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 3/27/23 4:47 PM

Hi Bodek, 

If a user has access to a ticket application, then they will be able to view all tickets within that application. You could make use of protected custom attributes so certain data on tickets isn't visible to everyone with access to the app. You can learn about that feature here:

Please let me know if you have further questions. 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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