iPaaS Connector Extended Action

I'm working with the iPaaS Salesforce connector and I've added an action for a Salesforce Upsert.  I needed to create a custom data type which defines the fields of a Salesforce object (for example Contacts) to use as the Request Body Data Type.  This works well but this means I can only use this action to Upsert to the Contact object in Salesforce.  Is there a way to dynamically set the Request Body Data Type? Or is there a different way to specify the fields to be updated in Salesforce that would allow me to use the same connector action to Upsert differect objects?

I would like to have something like:

Step 1- Salesforce Upsert Contact

Step 2 - Salesforce Upsert Account



Asked by Cory Morgan-Berg on Tue 3/21/23 10:54 AM
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Answer (1)

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Carrie Willis Tue 3/21/23 5:34 PM

Hi Cory,

You should be able to set the request body data type to "String", then you can pass whatever JSON objects you want. You'll need to use the "toJSON" expression in the Text Expressions area first, to cast the object to a JSON string. Once that's done, you can pass it as your input to your step and it'll take it.

I made a brief screen recording here showing you how I did this with a TeamDynamix connector, if that's helpful:

  • Recording Link: https://teamdynamix-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/p/carrie_willis/EUbPcPwLi3dJgS7_zBvmz_YB4Ou7wbFa1d6CB-Mqne-hcw?e=Ffz2LX
  • Passcode: %u2NasKzM%



2 of 2 users found this helpful.
This works, thank you! - Cory Morgan-Berg Thu 3/23/23 4:55 PM