workflow approval access denied

I have a ticket that was submitted that has a workflow where the Requestor's manager has to approve the request.  In this case, the Requestor's manager only has a Client license (which my understanding is that this is not an issue).  In this case, though, when the manager tries to click on the button to approve the request, they are getting the message, Access Denied.  I thought that they might need to be logged into TDX when they try to approve, but they still got the Access Denied message even though they were logged in at the time.

What would explain them getting this message?

Tags workflow-approval requestor-manager
Asked by Mathew Chandler on Mon 3/20/23 11:40 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 3/20/23 11:45 AM

Hello Matthew,

I think I'd have to know more, like what is the link that was ultimately emailed to this requestor's Manager, and does that Manager user legitimately have access to the client portal that was in that URL?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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----- Original Message -----
Workflow Step Assignment
You are assigned to the "Up One Approval" Approval workflow step.

To act on this Approval step, click the link below:
Up One Approval Workflow Step

Service Request Details
Service Request 22522363
Transfer of Dami Laptop to Julia Tarantola
Dami will be going on mat leave March 30th. Julia will be starting in the department April 10th. I would like the laptop and monitor she has currently in her home office transferred to Julia for her home office.
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Requested By
Jenifer Gritke (Staff)

To comment on this item, reply to this email.
- Mathew Chandler Mon 3/20/23 12:40 PM
Actually that doesn't bring linked content across into the Feed here. Can you copy the link from the content that it's linked from and just paste it in here? - Mark Sayers Mon 3/20/23 1:00 PM - Mathew Chandler Mon 3/20/23 1:01 PM
Ah ok that seems to have mostly obscured the link so I can't tell what it resolves to. - Mark Sayers Mon 3/20/23 1:24 PM