Associate a reply-by-email token when reply was sent to technician

When an end user removes the "reply to" email address associated with a ticket response and sends the email directly to the technician responding, is there a way for the technician to associate any additional replies back to the ticket feed via the reply-by-email token? Thank you in advance. 

Tags reply-by-email
Asked by Kelly Vanderpool on Fri 3/17/23 1:24 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 3/17/23 1:39 PM

Hello Kelly,

The email should still contain the relevant reply-to header info for the technician to reply back to the email reply monitor and have it be appended to the ticket, however because they'd be replying with an original email notification that was destined for the client and it will be proxied into the ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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The best bet is to have the tech ask the client to respond directly to the notification address (or at least include the reply monitor's address in the addresses they are emailing back to) so the comment/question will make it back into the ticket properly. - Mark Sayers Fri 3/17/23 1:40 PM