Difference between "Assign Workflow" and "Move to Application"


What is the difference between "Assign Workflow" and "Move to Application" under the actions menu in the ticketing app?

Do both methods produce the same results for end users?


Thank you.

Sharon Jarmoc

Cornell University



Asked by Sharon Jarmoc on Thu 3/9/23 11:11 AM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Thu 3/9/23 11:28 AM

Hi Sharon, 

Using the "Assign Workflow" action on a ticket, just allows a user to assign the ticket to any of the desired workflows within the current ticket application. Using the "Move to Application" action on a ticket, will move the ticket from the current ticket application to whichever ticket application is chosen as the destination. Hopefully this helps answer your questions, but please let me know if you need further information! 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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Thanks Brittany! - Sharon Jarmoc Thu 3/9/23 12:09 PM