Should project resources be added to projects as stakeholders?

Is there any benefit to adding project resources to projects as both, resource and stakeholder?


Asked by Mark Juzwiak on Thu 3/2/23 10:12 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Thu 3/2/23 10:16 AM

Hello Mark,

Doing so wouldn't grant them anything special, but it *would* allow the team to know who the key folks involved in the project are and through the Stakeholder section it would show what their "extra" level of involvement in the project is.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

No feedback

Mark Juzwiak Thu 3/2/23 10:21 AM


Thank you for the quick reply.

So, from TDClient side, Stakeholders cannot see Resources if they are not identified as both.

Mark J

No feedback
Correct, they can't interact with the project and be assigned to parts of the project if they are not a Resource also. - Mark Sayers Thu 3/2/23 10:25 AM