iPaaS Connector - Custom Actions data structures

I am adding a custom action to a connector and wondering how to build one that uses a nested JSON structure. Does anyone have any pointers?

Asked by David Tod on Wed 2/22/23 11:37 AM
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Answers (2)

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David Tod Thu 3/2/23 1:06 PM


We talked about this when we met, but basically, data types that are nested/have children have to have the children built first and then added as objects to the parent. For reference, you define the child objects and add them to the parent. Screenshot below.

Screenshot of creating a parent data type which has child objects

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Gotcha. The best practice would be to go down to the lowest level and create the "child-most" items first, then back-track. Also, though, if something isn't required (e.g., in your screenshot, if "user" and "pseudonym" are required, but "communication_channel" isn't), you could simply not create the objects that aren't needed. - Carrie Willis Thu 3/2/23 1:34 PM

Carrie Willis Wed 3/1/23 4:56 PM

Hi David,

Are you talking about a request body data type or response body data type? I.e., will you be sending this nested JSON structure or receiving it as the result of an action?



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