Reporting on "Current Start Date"

Hi Mark - I am looking to create a Report that shows "New" projects with a Start Date in the past (ie: an audit report where projects should be "In Progress").

I am finding that my report filter is using the "Initial Start Date" in the logic, but showing "Current Start Date" in the report

I would need the Filter logic to use "Current Start Date" for those projects where the Start Date was changed - is this possible?

Tags CurrentStartDate InitialStartDate StartDate DateReport DateReporting
Asked by Taren Conley on Thu 2/9/23 11:44 AM Last edited Thu 2/9/23 11:44 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 2/9/23 2:43 PM

Hello Taren,

There is a filter for Start and also Initial Start Date. Initial Start Date is *also* a column that you can display.

You likely need to filter the report on whether the Initial Start Date value is (however far in the past you need it to be ).

Let me know if that helps.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Mark - in the attachment you can see that my filter is Start Date is less than the run date plus 1 day - however the display is showing a date in the future. How can I change the filter so that I am only seeing projects with start dates in the past? - Taren Conley Fri 2/10/23 9:42 AM
In the screen shot currently attached to your question, it shows the filter is being made against the "Status Date", not the Start Date. Perhaps adjust that do the desired filter field and also just make it be "is less than - the run date" and that should get you what you need. - Mark Sayers Fri 2/10/23 10:10 AM
Well that's embarrassing! - Taren Conley Fri 2/10/23 10:16 AM
You can also play around with the "is less than - the run date minus X number of days" to get it so you only see things that started at least as many as (whatever the number is) days prior to the current date if that sort of thing would be useful. - Mark Sayers Fri 2/10/23 10:31 AM
Youre the best, thanks Mark! - Taren Conley Fri 2/10/23 10:31 AM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Fri 2/10/23 10:36 AM