Need to remove file robots.txt from our hosted system.

We are attempting to add our KB pages to our Google search, but we need to remove a file Do we have access to this directory on our hosted system? Would it be best to submit a ticket to TDX?

Relevant question is adding the file to an On Prem sandbox.

From GVSU IT and GVSU IM: 

I've been working with Institutional Marketing to have the GVSU homepage search engine (, provided by FunnelBack) index and include KB articles in search results. This has been configured on the search side, but a change needs to be made on the TDX side to allow for the indexing.

Per IM:
[IM] has heard back from Funnelback, and it seems the robots.txt on has the line "Disallow: /" which prevents search engines (including funnelback) from indexing the site. It sounds like we have it set up correctly in funnelback, so once that line is removed it should start indexing within 24 hours:

Please advise what options exist to allow for indexing.


Tags search-engine robots-txt
Asked by Jayne Dissette on Wed 2/8/23 2:46 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 2/8/23 2:57 PM

Hello Jayne,

You do not have access to modify that value for your environment. You could submit a ticket, but I've not seen a robots.txt file updated (since it is the same file for all clients) in a request to this point, so I couldn't necessarily promise that a ticket would get you what is being asked for.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you! - Jayne Dissette Thu 2/9/23 8:24 AM