Asset Intergration



We will be using Allsight (sassafras) for importing our inventory assets. We already know that we can't automate our Asset Tag info such as ITS014516, but can TDX after it creates record ITS014516, but after a new record goes in can it pull ITS014517?


- Jim

Asked by James Richard on Tue 2/7/23 11:08 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 2/7/23 11:39 AM

Hi James,

Can you elaborate on the scenario you're hoping to achieve with this process so we can better determine if it is possible or not?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Yes. So we use a barcoded Asset Tag (ITSXXXXXX). This is put on manually by us and is a big part of everyday work. if we have an asset record in TDX already ie, ITS014516, is there a way that when a new asset record gets created it would pull ITS 014517? - James Richard Tue 2/7/23 11:58 AM
So you want TDX to automatically populate the asset's Tag field with the next value numerically from the last asset's Tag field value?

Unfortunately the Tag field (or Service Tag as it is named in the asset system), is not automatically populated upon creation of a record. It has to be manually entered, or if you're importing assets, it would have to be on the import file that contains this new asset.
- Mark Sayers Tue 2/7/23 12:17 PM
Thank you for that. I had a feeling that was the case but had to ask - James Richard Tue 2/7/23 2:28 PM
You're welcome! - Mark Sayers Tue 2/7/23 2:30 PM