TDX Webhooks to iPaaS design

This is a design question about using webhooks with iPaaS. Given that TDX ticket webhooks trigger on common events (ticket creation, change, and deletion), it seems to me that there are two basic possible designs:

  • One webhook for each iPaaS flow
    • But this means that for a single common event you could have multiple webhooks being called
  • One webhook for each event that calls an iPaaS controller flow that in turns applies logic to call other iPaaS flows
    • This seems to have the advantage of only one webhook for each ticket event
    • You can more quickly add new ticket-triggered flows in iPaaS without having to set up triggers and webhooks

Does this make sense?

Asked by David Tod on Fri 2/3/23 8:52 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 2/3/23 10:00 AM

Hi David,

Yes you are on the right track there with your design thoughts.

There are a lot of advantages to using a "controller" flow that calls other flows. Another item to consider (if it applies to a particular use case) is the ability to use TDX Ticket Workflow steps to trigger flows.

Let me know if that helps!

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