Update Completed Ticket options - Do comments impact the clock?

Hi folks,

I'm testing this in Sandbox but would like to confirm from the horse's mouth.

I understand that when we turn on the "update Completed Ticket options > After [x] day(s), update completed tickets to [CLOSED] status" option, the number of days is counted from when the status changes, Does a user leaving a comment have any impact on the count?

For example: I mark a ticket as Resolved and we have TDx set up to update the ticket to Closed status after 5 days. On day 3 the customer leaves a comment. Does that reset the clock to zero, eg the ticket will be moved to Closed in 5 additional days (the eighth day)? Or will the ticket be moved to closed on the fifth day??


Asked by Erin Tramble on Mon 1/30/23 10:41 AM Last edited Mon 1/30/23 10:48 AM
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Mark Sayers Mon 1/30/23 10:49 AM

Hello Erin,

It does not reset the clock, but depending on your setting for reopening closed tickets it *might* cause the ticket's status to move back to an Open/In Process status.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks Mark. - Erin Tramble Mon 1/30/23 12:41 PM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Mon 1/30/23 12:42 PM