Email Monitor - Setting a specific Requestor upon ticket creation

Hello TD Team!


I've began to utilize email monitoring a bit more to handle ticket creation for our organization and would like to know if it was possible to have the default Requestor in the Ticket Form set specifically to a certain user within the org.


For example, I have a no-reply@external.domain email that is delivered and uses a specific Ticket Form I've created for only email monitoring purposes. I have specified a certain user to be the default Requestor but even with it set to Read-only or Required, it still defaults the Requestor to being the no-reply@external.domain email address.

Asked by Nicholas Steinmetz on Fri 1/27/23 1:17 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 1/27/23 1:33 PM

Hello Nicholas,

Unfortunately this is not possible. The requestor value is always acquired from the email that is processed into a ticket. There's no way currently to force the created ticket to have a specific Requestor value. It either is going to try to match the incoming email address to an existing TDX account, create an account if it can't find a match (as long as the incoming email has a definable First and Last display name), or just keep the display name / email address of the incoming email as text-only values as the requestor of the created ticket...all of this depends on the setting configured on the monitor's rule(s).

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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