Ticket Notification Templates missing

I'm trying to customize the notification emails that are sent out alongside tickets, I appear to be missing a few. The template I can't see is Service Request Task Assignment (Ticketing User).

Is this not supposed to be customizable or is there a higher level admin that has me locked out? I currently can access 16 different Templates, but it seems there should be at least 18 for me to access

Tags admin tickets email-notification customizing
Asked by Harrison Fleisher on Fri 1/20/23 1:20 PM Last edited Fri 1/20/23 1:20 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 1/20/23 1:32 PM

Hello Harrison,

That notification actually uses the Ticket Task Comment Added (Ticketing User) template to deliver the assignment notification. So if you have *that* template modified and enabled, you should see the desired output.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Someone had sent an email through while I disabled customizations when I was working on them. I received a paper copy of the email to look at Thanks for the help. - Harrison Fleisher Fri 1/20/23 2:30 PM