Can you customize the header text of the standard Requestor field for a report?

Can you update the header text of the out of the box Requestor attribute to be custom for reports? For custom attributes, we are able to update the Header Text that displays in the column header for reports. Would like to do the same for the out of the box Requestor attribute. Thanks.



Asked by Phuong Hoang on Tue 1/10/23 9:58 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 1/10/23 10:04 AM

Hello Phuong,

Unfortunately the out of the box attributes/fields are not able to have their header text values modified at this time in any capacity.

You could put an enhancement in though to ask for this ability in a future version if you'd like to see that.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant

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Ok thanks Mark. - Phuong Hoang Tue 1/10/23 10:09 AM