How to automatically change a ticket classification?

The majority of our tickets are Service Requests, and most of our ticket forms are classified as Service Request. We would like to implement SLAs for Incident tickets. In trying to limit the number of Services/Service Offerings in our Service Catalog, we would like to have a ticket attribute on the form where the user can specify if it is a request or incident. Since Automation Rules do not have an action of setting classification, we created an Automation Rule that assigns a workflow when the ticket attribute is set to incident and the workflow has a condition step to promote the classification to Incident when the ticket attribute is set to incident. Unfortunately it seems that if this workflow is used, another workflow cannot be applied to the same ticket using an different Automation Rule. Neither Automation Rule is set to Stop on Match, and they have different evaluation orders. Could we be missing a configuration, or is there a different approach we could be using?


Asked by Chuck Renninger on Thu 1/5/23 1:53 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 1/6/23 9:38 AM

Hi Chuck,

You method of achieving this via a workflow is the step I would have recommended, however if you need to also apply another workflow to the ticket then that may not be the best option. I suppose you could add a web service step to the end of the original workflow (for escalating the classification) to make an API call that applies the desired workflow to the ticket.

Short of that, you'd need something like iPaaS to achieve this in an automated way, or at least you'd need webhooks and some external system that can parse them to determine which tickets need action and makes API calls accordingly to modify them.

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