Convert Ticket to a Project Request

If I am understanding this function correctly, we can covert a ticket to a project request but it will not use our custom project request form (which is global) but rather the "baked in request form".  Can you confirm? 

What happens to the ticket once it is converted?  Is there any history about the ticket that is retained?  What about the information and attachments in the ticket, do those get converted to the project or are they lost upon conversion?


Asked by Carolyn Kobus on Wed 1/4/23 11:21 AM
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Brittany Renn Wed 1/4/23 1:41 PM

Hi Carolyn, 

The form that it uses is the default Request form and there is no way to force it to use any particular custom form that you've created for a service in your service catalog. Also, during the ticket conversion, there will be a warning blurb at the top of the new project request that outlines the information that will no longer be available and it will look something like this: 

"You are converting a ticket into a project request. After saving, the original ticket will no longer be available. The following data will be permanently lost:

  • Ticket resources, including schedules
  • Custom ticket attributes
  • Entries for this ticket in My Work
  • Alerts
  • Ticket tasks"

Please let me know if this answers your question fully or if you have further questions. 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

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