Workflow approval step

I have created a workflow that has an approval step.  Approval is assigned to a group, but when they tested it, a person in the group does not see an approval button (there are other workflows that they have an approval step, and they see an approval button in those cases).

Can you shed any light on why they would not be seeing an approval button?

Tags workflow-approval
Asked by Mathew Chandler on Tue 1/3/23 4:04 PM Last edited Wed 1/4/23 11:27 AM
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Brittany Renn Tue 1/3/23 4:57 PM

Hi Matthew, 

Is it possible that someone in that group approved the step prior to the user accessing it? Similar to the All step, each group assignment counts as a single vote and will not expand out to its individual members. When any member of the group (with appropriate access) approves the step, that casts the vote on behalf of the entire group. Please let me know. 


Brittany Renn
Support Consultant

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There is only the one person in the group - Mathew Chandler Tue 1/3/23 7:55 PM
Thank you for clarifying! Would you be able to provide a screenshot of the workflow and how you have the approval step configured currently? I would also ensure that the user fits one off the acceptable approval roles mentioned in this KB:

Thanks again,
- Brittany Renn Wed 1/4/23 11:20 AM
The person in question has an Enterprise license.
As you can see, the approval is assigned to a group that only the one person belongs to.
- Mathew Chandler Wed 1/4/23 11:29 AM
Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the screenshot. Can you confirm is the user and the group have both been granted access to that ticketing application?
- Brittany Renn Fri 1/6/23 1:47 PM
yes, both the group and the person have access to the application - Mathew Chandler Fri 1/6/23 2:11 PM
I think I would need more info about the user in question (like their name/username so I could review their account) and also the project request in question, before I could best advise what course of action to take. If you prefer not to share that sort of thing here in a public forum, please submit a Support request and we'll take a look.

Brittany Renn
Support Consultant
- Brittany Renn Fri 1/6/23 5:11 PM (Rachel McRae). It is a work flow approval step. - Mathew Chandler Fri 1/6/23 7:31 PM
Hi Matthew,

Apologies for the delayed response on this. In the workflow that the approval step is working correctly for this user, is that approval step directly assigned to the user, or is it assigned to the same group mentioned in the screenshot?

- Brittany Renn Mon 1/30/23 9:37 AM
Assigned to the group in the screenshot. - Mathew Chandler Thu 2/2/23 3:42 PM
Just so I have the correct understanding, both workflows are assigned to the same group but only one of the workflows is missing the 'Approve' button? Would you be able to obtain screenshots of both workflows from the user?

- Brittany Renn Fri 2/3/23 4:26 PM