OwningCustomerID Not Clearing on Null in Bulk Update


We use the API endpoint /assets/import to bulk update our assets. In the Import Settings' Mappings, we have set {"FieldIdentifier":"OwningCustomerID","ClearOnNull":True}, but it is not clearing the Owner on the asset when we pass a Null value. Looking at the TDX API documentation, the OwningCustomerID is not Nullable. Does that mean that ClearOnNull will not work, or are we doing something wrong?


Asked by Isaac Ramirez on Wed 12/21/22 11:04 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 1/17/23 2:56 PM

Hello Isaac,

According to the database, the OwningCustomerID is not nullable. Can you instead try passing in the empty guid to see if that works?

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