Can I get Org ID from a person field (to use in a web service method)?

I want to use web service methods to call to a service provider on campus.

That server can ONLY utilize the values that we have stored in the Organizational ID fields of the TDX user records.

For "Requestor" you have exposed the requestor's Orginizational ID for both Form and Workflow -- thanks for that, it's a good first step.

However, what I need to be able to do is access the Organizational ID for ANY person on any Form.  

It doesn't seem like that's possible to do.  Trying to use a person field in a Form or Workflow just gives me the user's name -- the "full name", not even the username.  I cannot see any way to access the Organizational ID for any user other than the "Requestor".

What's the story here?  The data field is there but I'm not able to access to it?  Is that really what you're telling me?

I will be delighted if it turns out that I'm just missing something, but at this point I'm completely baffled.

It's stuff like this that makes me miss ServiceNow.


Asked by Mark Jensen on Wed 12/14/22 5:37 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Thu 12/15/22 9:35 AM

Hello Mark,

Unfortunately a person type custom attribute will not pass on the Org ID value as of now to a web service method step. You *can* use their name to perform a person search though and then use the results of that search to pull the Org ID value out for that person.

Let me know if that helps.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant

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Mark Jensen Thu 12/15/22 10:43 AM

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick reply and the suggestion.

Unfortunately doing a search on the user's full name isn't very helpful because full name is ambiguous.  I have multiple "Luke Smith"s, "Joshua Jones"s, "Matthew Baker"s, and so forth.  There appears to be no way to disambiguate people whose full names match without also having the ability to access some piece of data unique to the individual.

In our organization the actual username and organizational ID are both unique to the individual so either could be used for disambiguation.  However, it doesn't seem possible to get either value for a person-type custom attribute, hence the ambiguity problem remains.  I find this to be a definite shortcoming in the TDX system.

Thanks again for making the situation clear.

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