API Endpoint to PATCH a Requestor?

Is there an endpoint we can use with a web service method to PATCH (change) the Requestor in a ticket?

this is related to a question I asked previously:  https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Forums/Questions/Details?ID=115796


Asked by Scott Cory on Wed 12/14/22 3:18 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 12/14/22 3:47 PM

Hello Scott,

The PATCH endpoint for tickets does already allow for this. You just would send a new value for the RequestorUID property.


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Would it accept the RequestorEmail instead of RequestorUID? - Scott Cory Wed 12/14/22 3:55 PM
No, on the ticket object the only requestor property that is editable is the RequestorUID - Mark Sayers Wed 12/14/22 3:56 PM
What we are trying to accomplish is to update the ticket created by the email monitor with the correct Requestor. We can get the correct email address of the Requestor in the Description field of the ticket. Is there a web service method we could use to get the RequestorUID from the RequestorEmail, or does that require iPaaS? - Scott Cory Wed 12/14/22 4:02 PM
You could perform a person search I guess via the search endpoint then get the first result from the returned array and get its UID value. - Mark Sayers Wed 12/14/22 4:10 PM
I learned that I am able to use the Organizational ID to search People also, which is also contained in the Description field of the ticket. What is the best way to parse the array in the body of the "Get Ticket" web service method to extract the nine digit number from this excerpt ....<br>Chico State ID#: 000123456<br>....?, then use the number (which is the Organizational ID) in the "Get Person" web service method, then parse the array of that returned body for the RequestorID to us for the PATCH? - Scott Cory Wed 12/14/22 4:55 PM
You should probably use iPaaS for that as it'd be faster I think! - Mark Sayers Wed 12/14/22 5:00 PM
Thanks, we do not have iPaaS currently. In case I cam able to figure out how to extract the Org ID 000123456 what would my patch body path be?
{op: "replace", path: "/??????", value: "Requestor UID"},
- Scott Cory Wed 12/14/22 6:35 PM
It would be like so:
{op: "replace", path: "/RequestorUid", value: "{{Requestor UID}}"},

Where you probably would have a parameter in the value for the requestor UID that you're pulling from a previous web service call.
- Mark Sayers Thu 12/15/22 9:44 AM