Restrict Agencies by Application?

I know we can identify that groups are for specific applications, but I'm wondering about agencies. Here's the situation. We have several ticketing applications. One of which is for our Police department. They do work with other area police departments, so we had to add those as additional agencies. But none of the other ticketing applications work with those neighboring town police departments. Can we restrict those agencies from appearing (and confusing people) in our other ticketing applications?

Tags ticket-administration agencies
Asked by Tanya Anderson on Mon 12/12/22 10:07 AM
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Mark Sayers Mon 12/12/22 10:33 AM

How are you indicating "agencies" currently in your TeamDynamix environment? Are you utilizing groups? If so just only add their group to the app(s) that they need to be involved with.

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Accounts/Departments - Tanya Anderson Mon 12/12/22 10:54 AM
So you can't restrict an Acct/Dept from being used within certain app(s), no. But if you do it via Groups then you obviously could restrict it that way. - Mark Sayers Mon 12/12/22 11:01 AM