Client Visible Ticket Attributes - Edit all attributes or change defaults?

Is it possible to set all ticket attributes in a ticketing application to client visable without having to go in and edit each one?

As a follow up, is there somewhere where the default can be changed so that all new attributes created are set to "client visible" by default?


Asked by Will Lindauer on Fri 12/9/22 11:19 AM Last edited Fri 12/9/22 11:20 AM
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Brittany Renn Fri 12/9/22 12:10 PM

Hi Will, 

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of a default setting that would make all attributes client visible on a form. You would have to edit the attributes on the forms in use to determine which fields are client visible or not. If you'd like to see that as a feature though, I would suggest submitting a Product Enhancement Idea. You can do that by using the 'Submit A Product Idea" button on the middle column of our Solutions Home Page

Let me know if you have any questions! 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support 

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